
Started out with a traditional design with a streamlined style.

Made for various recording artists.

Original Prototype

Sunburst / Birdseye Fingerboard

A bright Neck Through, F Hole Semi Hollow
with a Wilkinson Tremelo and Texas Specials

Dark Attack

Charcoal Burst  /  Ebony Fingerboard

A bit deeper Neck Through, F Hole Semi Hollow
With a Bigsby Tremelo and a pair of Joe Bardens


Clear Blonde / Birdseye Fingerboard

Another bright Neck Through, F Hole Semi Hollow with a Bigsby Tremelo and a set of Lace Pickups

Black & Blue

Blue Burst  /  Ebony Fingerboard

A Solid Neck Through, with a Bigsby Tremelo
and a set of Double Stack Pickups

Tobacco Road

Tobacco Sunburst  /  Rosewood Fingerboard

Another Solid Neck Through, with a Bigsby Tremelo
and a set of Barden Pickups

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